Monday, August 17, 2015

Building Demolished on Orange and Chapel.

Rooftop decay led to falling bricks on a Sunday afternoon in New Haven, prompting local officials to cordon off the area with caution tape, everything from Chapel on Church to State, and Orange at the intersection of Chapel to Crown. Officials were making their top priority the safety of pedestrians and spectators as an excavator made sample of the wreck.

Smashing parts of the building which would otherwise simply fall apart unexpectedly by the weight of their own gravity, the machinery took out a substantial amount of the upper floors of the building in the front, as is seen in the video. Economic Development director Matthew Nemerson was in attendance and commented that the building was already slated for demolition. Asked whether the accidental incident unintentionally expedited the process, he stated that it was an historic building and that it would have been better to have adequate documentation of the process.

The next morning, the building was entirely gone. All lanes flowing on Chapel and on Orange were entirely open.