Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ultimate Frisbee, Climbing, and Springtime (with Areabridges Music)

This is one of many videos that have yet to be produced.  Some of them are fun.  This one is kind of ambient.  The music is produced by Areabridges, an ingenious photographer and all-around nice fella. My goal is to get you to catch on to his great tunes, all of which are available for free download here, so please enjoy!  Listen to them on the mobile Soundcloud app, which is like Pandora only it's self-produced by the artists who create their own accounts.  

We filmed this (Tina Lindstrom and myself) yesterday afternoon between 5 and 7.  I edited it while she made dinner. I even had time to cut some vegetables while processing. It almost was ready to be watched by all of about 8pm.

If you make awesome videos about New Haven, and you'd like to share them, please do!  Can't offer you anything other than the opportunity to share.  I know you can share it on Facebook, but Nhv.Org offers the unique opportunity to save your files into a different kind of database, while sharing them in a different interface.  Have you ever gotten tired of the color "blue?"