Sunday, July 27, 2014

How Was The Show Last Night?

Salt N Pepa on The New Haven Green from New Haven Local Scene on Vimeo.

There was a jam-packed crowd on the New Haven Green last night for the 90's-acclaimed Rap group Salt N Pepa, who performed such hits for the crowd as "Push It," "Whadda Man" of course, "Shoop." Watch the video to see what it was like. Some interviews of the crowd at the end also highlight the overall atmosphere of the show.

The NHVMusic video team obtained some crowd footage, and tried to get the police officers to dance (but they wouldn't, although one did laugh with us). What was the best thing about it? Really, the diversity of people enjoying the music. People of all ages. Folks from all kinds of backgrounds. They asked a bunch of people why they came, and what they enjoyed about it. Watch the videos to hear what they had to say.

The 2:26 video at the top features the ambient music of DJ Shadow from 1994. The other shorter Instagram video was produced this morning in order to promote the upcoming 2:26 video which was released this evening.

The videos in this article were produced by The New Haven Local Music Scene.

Smilow Cancer Center - Closer To Free

The concert was presented by Smilow Cancer Hospital in New Haven, CT. Logistical support was provided by the city in terms of law enforcement presence and Parks Department support. The night happened completely without incident, other than the incidence of everyone having an amazingly good time. Proving, once again, that #Nhv just might be the greatest small city in America.

We also produced this short video in advance to promote some of the parking options provided by ParkNewHaven, via InfoNewHaven.Com