Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Arts Organizer Katro Storm Representing

Katro Storm is a local artist with tons of background, experience, and connections within the underground artist community, and has been here for quite some time.  Recently he pieced together a show at Gallery 305k with a group of talented artists, whose work is on display in the video.  Much of it would be considered "Street Art" when in fact many of these artists have already made the transition from street to gallery, with places like Gallery 305K opening their doors to the great talent that exists, which would otherwise go perhaps more unnoticed.  The events page for the show, called Street Dreams, is here.

Official text from the show:
Gallery 305K is pleased to welcome independent Curators Katro Storm and Jahmane. Their show "Street Dreams" looks at the way we each interpret the iconic phrase. A street dream looks very different based on the street you are looking at. Works from artist such as Ellen Volpe, Paul Duda, Kristen Thomas,Michael Johnston and more will give us there unique view on the subject.

Hey, I know it's not New Haven, and this site is supposed to be all about your #1 Hometown, but I say stuff about NYC enough so there's no sense in ignoring Bridgeport.  Hey, Americorps pays attention to BPT!

More To The Story
Aside from being a talented artist himself, Katro has taken it to the next level by facilitating other artists to have shows.  We will definitely get to learn more about him as I incessantly try to convince him (and everyone else I know) to join in a game of spontaneous role playing, described by some as "Townie Larping" where we form scripts based loosely on ourselves and our reality, and play it off on video to appear as nothing like how we actually are.  Why?  To confuse people!  Well, sort of.  Partially that.  And then partially just to make life a little more interesting.