- Whenever i add a new stream to the calendar, I have to re-embed every location of it. your events will appear on the general calendar (both home and mobile) as well as the music events.
- i'll inform you when those changes have been made.
- voomp! There goes one. You can test it with the March 10th event, which now exists.
- http://townofnewhaven.org/home.htm Wham! There goes another.
- also listed in http://nhv.org/Audio under events...
- http://townofnewhaven.org/Mobile/Feb/Calendar/music.htmhere in the music mobile version under 'live'
- and finally, on the main mobile calendar.http://townofnewhaven.org/Mobile/Feb/Calendar/ YOU HAVE BEEN LISTED!!!
- just kidding with the all-caps.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
What happens when I add a Calendar?
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