featuring Evidence of Flossing
by Naturalist Jen Payne
On Saturday, January 26, the New Haven Bioregional Group will host author and
naturalist Jen Payne for a poetry reading and book signing
featuring her book Evidence of Flossing: What We Leave Behind. The
event, held at the First Unitarian
Universalist Society of New Haven (608 Whitney Avenue, New Haven), begins
with a potluck supper at 6PM, followed by the reading at 7PM.
Come listen to a selection of poems
that are, at their heart, love poems to the something greater within all of us.
Inspired by Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, and Mary Oliver, they explore the
human condition juxtaposed to the natural world and the possibility of divine
Evidence of Flossing: What We
Leave Behind follows on the heels of Payne’s 2014 well-received book LOOK
UP! Musings on the Nature of Mindfulness, and continues a dialogue about
our innate connection with nature. Both books will be available at the event,
which is free and open to the public.
Jen Payne enjoys writing about our relationships with each other, with
our natural world, and with our innate creativity. Installations of her poetry
were featured in exhibitions at the Arts Council of Greater New Haven and
Kehler Liddell Gallery (New Haven), and her work has been published by The Aurorean, Six Sentences, the Story Circle Network, WOW! Women on Writing, and
The Perch, a publication by the Yale
Program for Recovery & Community Health. Jen is a member of the Guilford
Poets Guild and the Connecticut Poetry Society. You can find more of her work on
her blog Random Acts of Writing,
Connecting New Haveners to their life place, the New Haven
Bioregional Group sponsors walks, films, canoe trips, potlucks, and other
events to help us connect with our natural and built environment, and to build
community and local resilience.