Friday, January 25, 2013

Who is Jimmy Rogers?

John Prokop, outgoing director of DPW
John Prokop, director for the Department of Public Works in #Nhv is retiring today.  A colleague recommended he speak with Nhv.Org in producing a showcase piece about one of his employees, Jimmy Rogers.

Edwin Martinez, Refuse Supervisor
John spoke of Jimmy in the highest regard.  He described him as a laborer who was dedicated to his family and who brought together the working community.  I went on a run with Jimmy and his partner on Tuesday, January 24th, 2013, to see what a day on the job was like for the workers of the DPW.

Enjoy this video, and hopefully there will be many others like it.  This city is a pretty amazing place.  Do you wonder where your trash goes?

These are the guys who take care of it for you.  Each one has their own life, full of unique experiences and important moments.  Nhv.Org wishes to capture those moments so we can share these experiences as a community.