Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pecha Kucha Tonight

Tomorrow at 7pm at Bentara, 70 Orange St.  See Calendar.

If you're looking for an interesting Wednesday evening, try checking out this speaking event held at the Malasian restaurant which causes no malaise.  It's called something for a reason, but you'd need to give some etymological research to it in order to understand what it means.  In context, it's a presentation formula.  The best ones are entertaining.  Rarely are they persuasive but they can be compelling.  And there's always  a great flyer design behind it from DesignMonsters, who also have a great website.
Always with good in-between announcements, and highly educational, many people look forward to this event the way we often anticipate seeing a new film.  There will be a new film of it, tomorrow afternoon, so stay tuned and we'll keep you posted.

Here's what one looks like.