Friday, November 4, 2011

Your New Grocery Store Is Here.

It's happened. A downtown grocery store, that resembles Wholefoods, but it's not. It's part of the new 360 State Street Tower, and occupies the whole first floor.

Only disadvantages are the lack of space for carriages by the rear checkout, which will undoubtedly create a mess which will force the store to rearrange its entrances (unless there is a plan for outdoor storage of containers, possibly in the dirt lot adjacently located). Until that is settled, leaving via the Chapel Street side might create some confusion.

This is the new vegetable section. It's healthy, fresh, and local. Thats probably why it's healthy and fresh (the local part).

The store could become very crowded, and upon a 3-minute survey of the area, I didn't notice any sit-down eating area.

Comments are welcome. What are your thoughts about your first experience here?